
Unicourt case 🚩

Hi there!  My name is Joe Albowicz, and I presume that you found my blog because you Googled my name to learn more about me.  Thank you for interest in me!  😄 There is something that shows up on Google about me that is a red flag. An ex of mine filed for a domestic violence restraining order against me.  🚩 But there are no details there beyond the fact that she did that.  Unfortunately a few people have allowed their imaginations to run wild with this, so to avoid this from happening again I'm making this blog post.   My dear reader, if you are curious enough, you can read all about this situation in the following three public record documents and judge for yourself. I share these freely because the reality is that there was no domestic violence between my ex and I, and these documents demonstrate this.    Here is what my ex wrote .  🍿 Here is what I wrote . 🤦 Here is the final court order .  👩‍⚖️ I suggest to anyone reading this that the main takeaway about what really a

My kiddos and being an older parent

I started this blog basically because I wanted to clarify a negative for anyone curious enough to Google me.   Now I'll balance this out with some info that has positive vibes! ☯️✨🤗🌈💙    I've got three kiddos!  🐤🐤🐤 Max just got his driver's license and he is 17.  William and Georgia are going to turn three in February, and just started gymnastics classes.  I'm 49!   The age gap between Max and W/G are so big I realized recently that I am a man who created two families.  💪 It is absolutely fascinating to see how each one of the kids has their own personality, and how their personalities change over time.  And my own parenting style is ever changing as well.  Things that I didn't believe made much of a difference, I have stronger feelings about now, for example screen time.   Things that I was really concerned about before, I really don't give two hoots about now!  Does it really matter?   🤷 Perhaps the biggest difference I have as an older parent is to al